packaging for the australian market > 04.22
We recently branded a line of canned goods for the new Prairie Kitchen brand. Even though this line of pantry staples is marketed to the Australian market, they want to project a wholesome, trustworthy brand that only America's prairie heartland can provide, thus warm, golden plains and familiar farm icons are reflected. Unlike many other brands, Prairie Kitchen wants to focus on illustration of the foods to distinguish themselves from the usual photography and serving suggestions we often see on grocery shelves. We will be developing other pantry items soon. Check back for updates!
helixmith gene therapy marketing materials > 01.22
We have been working with Helixmith, a South Korea-based company with offices in La Jolla, CA, developing gene therapy treatments for diabetic peripheral neuropathy and ALS. We have refreshed the Regain-1A clinical trial materials for physicians and patients including promotional items and easy-to-read brochures and information for patients. And keep in contact with clinics and physicians through newsletters distributed via quarterly eblasts.
county of san diego icons > 07.21
This series of icons was developed through Action Research for the Watershed Protection Program for San Diego County. They represent various topics and help you to navigate areas of the County's website like reporting storm drain pollution, residential and commercial resources, green infrastructure, watersheds and more.